JULY 20, 2023

EUCON 2023.6 Now Available—What’s New

With EUCON 2023.6 and Pro Tools 2023.6, users gain new ways to speed up workflows to allow more time for artistic decisions. Avid’s continued partnership with SoundFlow makes EUCON surfaces the most powerful soft key macros ever—for Pro Tools and third-party DAWs. See the What’s New Guides for the full list.

If you have current support for Avid S4 or Avid S6, go to your Avid account to download or here for EuControl.

Inter-Application Soft Keys  SoundFlow_Logo_Dark (v5.4) 

Inter-application softkeys means any EUCON control surface can use soft keys from different apps with your DAW at the same time—even if not focused. Plus, SoundFlow has been fully EUCONized, which allows both their macros and any EUCON key to be combined and used in your favorite DAW. This means that your complicated, multi-application workflows can be easily combined into one macro and fired from a EUCON-powered surface.

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Avid Control Remote

Now when you add two Master Tablets in EuControl, the second one becomes a Remote Control Screen with Monitor, Soft Keys, and Transport controls. This allows the first master tablet to stay on audio control duty.


Pro Tools Markers in Avid Control (requires PT 2023.6)

Pro Tools 2023.6 has introduced a new Markers Timeline which can be positioned at the top or bottom of the screen. Plus, it allows the Universe Meters to be moved—including to the side—which allows you to see comments and color, zoom in and out, and jump to the selected Marker.


Automation LEDs in Channel View

auto knob

In Channel View, each knob provides track automation indicator LEDs. The upper red and lower green LEDs indicate automation status the same as the similar hardware LEDs on EUCON control surfaces.

Applications Tab in EuControl Settings

A new tab has been added in EuControl to allow multiple EUCON Applications to be locked. Previously, you could only lock one application, but now you can lock two or more.

If you frequently move between two or more different applications, you can use the Filtered Applications list to control which applications EUCON can focus on and which it will ignore. This simplifies multi-application workflows and improves performance by preventing EuControl devices from going blank when you switch to a browser to reply to an email, for example.


Avid S4 and S6 Plugin Copy and Paste Added to the Master Module Home Screen

Beginning in EUCON 2023.6, the Home screen now also provides Copy and Paste buttons for plugins. In previous versions of EUCON, this ability was only available using the Sel switches on fader strips.

Automation Trim Added to Strips in EuControl

The strip Rec/A switch can be configured in EuControl Settings > General to provide different pairs of functions in its primary and Surface SHIFT layers. Available functions include automation mode cycling, track record enable toggle, track input monitor toggle, and automation trim mode.

Additional Pro Tools Channel Width Panner Formats

EUCON 2023.6 supports the new surround formats up to 9.1.6 for both meters and pan graphs on Avid Control, Avid S4, and Avid S6.

GroundControl Sphere by Ginger Audio

GroundControl Sphere, the professional multichannel audio routing and control room application for Mac, is now available with full EUCON monitoring support.

Ginger Audio

Other additions

EQ and DYN Graphs now show the plugin name whilst cycling. Avid Control Desktop now shows the Avid S1 soft keys like the tablets do. Plus, many bug fixes, as usual.

  • Eddie Jones headshot

    After 20 years mixing and designing studios facilities in the UK, I moved to the USA and managed the S5 products for Euphonix. At Avid I designed the S6, S4 and S1 and now manage all control surfaces.

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